The Prime Minister of India reportedly gets ₹ 1.66 lakh per month.
The Prime Minister of India reportedly gets ₹ 1.66 lakh per month.
The President of India, ₹ 1.50 lakh per month to ₹ 5 lakh a month.
The President of India, ₹ 1.50 lakh per month to ₹ 5 lakh a month.
The Vice President of India from ₹ 1.25 lakh to ₹ 4 lakh per month.
The Vice President of India from ₹ 1.25 lakh to ₹ 4 lakh per month.
The national average salary for a Ministry of home affairs is ₹8,66,141 in India.
The national average salary for a Ministry of home affairs is ₹8,66,141 in India.